Preserving Wildlife for a Sustainable Future

Join the fight to protect Colombia’s unique biodiversity and restore the delicate ecological balance.

Our Goal

The main focus of the Capy Project is the conservation of the flora and fauna of the Llanos region of Colombia.

Wildlife Rehabilitation

Currently 23 hectares of forests and rivers are home to various endangered species such as giant anteaters, jaguars and giant otters, among others.

Habitat Restoration

Projects will include acquiring more wildlife areas and turning them into a protected area from industrial agriculture, oil industry and hunting, creating lakes with fresh water all year around through deep well pumps powered by windmills, and working with endangered species.

Educational Programs

The project will focus heavily on educating local farmers and indigenous communities about the importance of wildlife preservation.

Introducing Casanaré

The department of Casanare is a biodiversity hotspot with a wide range of ecosystems and species. Its conservation is crucial not only for preserving Colombia’s natural heritage but also for maintaining the ecological balance and supporting the livelihoods of local communities. Efforts to protect and sustainably manage this unique region are essential for the future of its biodiversity.


Our ambitious project aims to create a 5000m3 (18,000,000 ft3) lake that supplies fresh water all year round to the wildlife that can contribute to biodiversity and ecological balance in the region.

Lake construction and forest restoration

We will plant native tree species (over 1000) to reestablish a forest canopy that will help enhance wildlife habitat. Our goal is to create a sustainable, thriving ecosystem and to help conserve endangered or threatened species by providing suitable habitats and contributing to the overall biodiversity of the area.
We will need to install a windmill-powered deep well pump, which can keep the lake full even during the dry season. The total cost of the operation is estimated around 25 million COP.

Endangered Species

Despite Casanare ́s ecological importance, the region faces threats such as habitat loss due to agriculture, ranching, infrastructure development, oil exploitation and hunting. These activities can disrupt ecosystems and put pressure on wildlife populations.

Become a part of the solution

Support our mission to protect and restore Colombia’s unique biodiversity.

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